Chairman's Statement 主席致辭 |
The Chinese economy gradually recovered in 2023 post COVID-19, and China's GDP grew 5.2%for the full year. According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, total vehicle production and sales in China increased by 11.6% to 30.1 million units and 12.0% to 30.1 million units, respectively, in 2023, which ranked the largest in the world for 15 consecutive years and resulted in the 1st peak of sales since 2014. Sales of passenger cars increased by 10.6% to 26.1 million units. Sales of new energy vehicles ("NEVs") (including battery electric vehicles ("BEVs"), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and also fuel cell vehicles) increased significantly to 9.5 million units, up 37.9% from 2022. Premium passenger vehicle sales continued to grow at 15.4% to 4.5 million units, outperforming the overall market. The OEMs' promotion and the state government's support policies drove the strong performance of premium passenger vehicle sales.
Company at a Glance 公司簡覽 |
Overview 整體概要
The Company is an investment holding company. The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Group") are the manufacture and sale of BMW vehicles in the PRC through its major joint venture, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., the manufacture and sale of minibuses, multi-purpose vehicles through its subsidiary, Renault Brilliance Jinbei Automotive Company Limited and automotive components through its subsidiaries, Ningbo Yumin Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd and Mianyang Brilliance Ruian Automotive Components Co., Ltd., and the provision of auto financing service through its subsidiary, Brilliance-BEA Auto Finance Co., Ltd. 本公司為一間投資控股公司。本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)之主要業務為透過主要合資企業華晨寶馬汽車有限公司於中國製造及銷售寶馬汽車,透過附屬公司華晨雷諾金杯汽車有限公司製造及銷售輕型客車及多用途汽車,透過附屬公司寧波裕民機械工業有限公司及綿陽華晨瑞安汽車零部件有限公司製造及銷售汽車零部件,以及透過附屬公司華晨東亞汽車金融有限公司提供汽車金融服務。 |
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